September 26, 2020
Thank you San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club for Sponsoring ($750 Donation) a Scholar this year (2024).
Thank you Lion President Kenneth Agbayani for delivering the check
to our Chairman - Jay Ruiz, Jr.
Thank you Lion President Kenneth Agbayani for delivering the check
to our Chairman - Jay Ruiz, Jr.
Our newest Frank P. Rivera Fellow, Dr. Elizabeth Yoe of San Diego Miramar Lions Club
Benjamin O. Camacho, M.D., President of the Philippine Medical Association of San Diego County, Inc., getting his Frank P. Rivera Fellowship pin from Lion Jay Ruiz, Sr., the Board Chairman of the San Diego Lions Scholarship Foundation during the PMASD picnic at the Spanish Landing (August 31, 2013)
PDG Art Arboleda and his wife Lion Linda posing after Jay Ruiz, Sr. pinned them with their Frank P. Rivera Fellowship pins during the San Diego TFC Lions Club Installation of officers
Greg Cody of San Diego Rancho Bernardo Lions Club & Paul Walters of El Cajon Valley Lions Club receiving their Jim Ashcraft Fellowship pins from Kimberly & Fran Ashcraft (Apr. 9, 2016)
Zeny Ply from San Diego Executive Lions Club receiving her Jim Ashcraft Fellowship Pin from Kimberly Ashcraft (Apr. 9, 2016)
Front Back
Ten of the above (Sample) Plaque were made and presented to the Scholarship Grant Donors
See their names below 11/9/2020
Ten of the above (Sample) Plaque were made and presented to the Scholarship Grant Donors
See their names below 11/9/2020
Our Fellowship Program -
For more information, go to "Our Fellowship Program" page
Blue - Frank P. Rivera Fellows
Green - Jim Ashcraft Fellows
Platinum Donors
Anthony Berchmanz - San Diego, CA 70724
Coconut & Cocktails - Freddie & Annette Eugenio 190428
Mrs. Damiana Escoto - Poway, CA (Scholarship Grant Donor) 170610
Jeff & Dr. Maria Auie Guevarra - Murrieta, CA
Lions Diabetes Awareness Walk Committee - District 4-L6
Dr. Arnold Lazaga & Marlyn Meckle (Scholarship Grant Donors) 190428
Marlyn Meckel - Ramona. CA (Scholarship Grant Donor) 180401, 190401, 200401, 220424
San Forever Lions Club, San Diego, CA (Scholarship Grant Donor) 190428
San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club (2X) - (Scholarship Grant Donor)
Pel Reid & Adel Toledo (Scholarship Grant Donors) 190428
Pel Reid (Scholarship Grant Donor)
Adel Toledo (Scholarship Grant Donor)
Rivera Family - San Diego, CA
Elsa Siverts (Scholarship Grant Donor) 220424
Atty Jennifer Siverts (Scholarship Grant Donor) 2X
Dr. Felma & Fernando Vargas (Scholarship Grant Donors) 190415
Pel Reid (Scholarship Grant Donor) 190916
San Diego Premier Lions Club (Scholarship Grant Donor) 220424
San Diego Roaring Lions Club (Scholarship Grant Donor) 210211
Alexander & Priscilla Ilusorio (Scholarship Grant Donor) 210916
Alexander & Priscilla Ilusorio (Scholarship Grant Donor) 220424
Elizabeth A. Yoe, PhD (Scholarship Grant Donor) 220518
Ron E. Phife (Scholarship Grant Donor) 220425
Harold E. Swartz, Jr. (Scholarship Grant Donor) 220518
Father Anthony Berchmanz (Scholarship Grants Donor) 220705
Dr. Leonor Ordonez & Jonathan Gacad (Scholarship Grant Donors) 220713
Chris & Myrna Psillas (Scholarship Grant Donors) 221005
Richard Maudsley (Scholarship Grant Donor) 230201
Pel Maudsley (Scholarship Grant Donor) 230201
Current Fellows
Armando Abayon - San Diego Cosmopolitan Lions Club 180301h
Mike Abrazaldo - San Diego Executive Lions Club 190428
Ken Agbayani - (Progressive 2) - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 230816
Ken Agbayani - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 201121
Patrticia Aldrich - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Zenaida Alota * - San Diego Forever Lions Club
Patrick Ambrosio - San Diego Rainbow Lions Club 170110
Lolibeth Aquino - San Diego Forever Lions Club 190615
Barbara Azemikhah - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 190428
CAPT Elsa P. Ang - Filipino-American Military Officers Association 160212
Art Arboleda (Progressive 1) - San Diego TFC Lions Club
Art Arboleda - (Progressive 1) 90331 San Diego TFC Lions Club 160409
Linda Arboleda - San Diego TFC Lions Club
Florfina S. Arce - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 230322
Aurea Ausa - San Diego, CA h80429
Fran Ashcraft - San Diego Mission Lions Club 160310
Frances Ashcraft - San Diego Mission Lions Club 160409
Kimberly Ashcraft - Phoenix, AZ 160409
Angelina Austria (Progressive 1) 190330 San Diego Forever Lions Club
Jorge Balares - San Diego TFC Lions Club 160325
Jorge Balares (Progressive 1) - San Diego TFC Lions Club
Pacita Barangan (San Diego Roaring Lions Club) 210915
Katrina G. Benfer (Progressive 1) - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Katrina G. Benfer - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 160409
Paul Benfer (Progressive 1) - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Paul Benfer - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 60409
Nancy Bernal - PRC, Lions District 301-D1 (Subic Tambuli LC) 180808h
Mennie Bico - 2ndVDG-E, Lions District 301-A2 h170519
Cora Boton - San Diego Executive Lions Club
Melinda L. Blaza, 1stVDG Lions District 4-C6 210727
Jimmy R. Boton, PhD (Progressive 1) - San Diego Executive Lions Club
Georgeann Brandenburg - San Diego United Lions Club 220424
Mike Brandenburg - San Diego United Lions Club 210915 For LEO Program
Deborah Braun - San Diego North Park Lions Club 160409
Deborah Braun - San Diego North Park Lions Club 160409
Billy Braza (Honorary) - Past District Governor of 301-A2, Philippines
Eve Braza (Honorary) - Souse of PDG Billy Braza
Bettty Jhacqueline Brown - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 201121
Nenette Brown - San Diego Majestic Lions Club h180429
Bill Browning, Jr. - El Centro Host Lions Club 160422
Bill Browning, Jr. - El Centro Host Lions Club 160430
Nicky "Boy" Bustria San Diego Majestic Lions Club 220126
Nicky "Boy" Bustria - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 220126
Reginald & Arlene Cagampan - San Diego Roaring Lions Club 210915
Eugene Calman - San Diego Mission Lions Club 160511
Benjamin O. Camacho, M.D. (Progressive 1) 210209 - Philippine Medical Association of San Diego County
Vic Camua - (Council Chairman - Arizona) - Lions District 301-A2, Philippines h170519
Constantine Castro - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Nita Castro - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Chris Cate - San Diego City Councilman, San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Grace Catibayan - San Diego Forever Lions Club 220424
Greg Cody (Progressive 1) - San Diego Rancho Bernardo Lions Club
Greg Cody (Progressive) - San Diego Rancho Bernardo Lions Club 160409 P211117
Jezmarie Cody - San Diego Rancho Bernardo Lions Club 220424
Rogelio M. Concepcion - San Diego Forever Lions Club 220424
Aurora Cudal, PhD (h) - San Diego Executive Lions Club 160409
Gidget Dacones - XScape Wellness Center, San Diego 160222
Amanda "Mandi" M. Daniels - District Governor 4C1 230423
Gilmore David - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 190428
Julio DeGuzman (Progressive 1) 90428- San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Trinidad M. Dela Rosa (Progressive 1) - San Diego Forever Lions Club 160409p
Remy DeRamos - San Diego Classic Lions Club 160409h
Eliza Dizon - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 190828
Elisa Dizon - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 190115
Betty Domdom - San Diego Majestic Lions Club
Lydia Duro - San Diego Cosmopolitan Lions Club 190428
Betty Jean Dye - Rancho Bernardo Lions Club 160112
Purita Ebbay - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 181020
Guadalupe Edgar-Ignacio (Progressive 1) - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Teresa Emery - San Diego Classic Lions Club
Joseph Encarnacion - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Escondido Champagne Village Lions Club 10-9-24 Banner Patch
Escondido Champagne Village Lions Club 10-9-24 Banner Patch
Lina Escusa - San Diego Delta Lions Club 160109
Annette Eugenio Coconut & Cocktails Promotion 180301h
Fred Eugenio Coconut & Cocktails Promotion 180301h
Annabelle Fabila - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 160409h
Imelda Ferrer - San Diego Agape Lions Club 160409h
Filipino-American Military Officers Association (FAMOS)
Bill Flores - San Diego, CA Resident 160221
Luz Galindez - San Diego Classic Lions Club
Myrna Gammad (Progressive 1) - San Diego Forever Lions Club
Willy Gammad - San Diego Forever Lions Club
Minda Garcia - San Diego Forever Lions Club 220424
Priscilla Garrovillas - San Diego TFC Lions Club
Alan Garvin, M.D. (Progressive 1) - Cardiologist in Modesto, CA
Tessie C. Generoli (Progressive 1) - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Carl Grindle * - Poway Lions Club 190501
Luis B. Guevarra - San Diego Executive Lions Club
Carolina Hernandez - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 220713
Carolina Hernandez - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 230208
David Hernandez - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 220713
2ndVDG John Hui - Lions District 4-C4 201105
Brenda Jones - (Progressive 1) San Diego Majestic Lions Club 220424
Bob Ilko - Rancho Bernardo Lions Club 160112
PDG Al Kroell (Honorary) - District 4-A2 220826
1stVDG Christy Kroell (Honorary) - District 4-A2 220826
La Jolla Presidents Lions Club 161109
La Jolla Presidents Lions Club 230327
M. L. LI'Ma'A.A.J. Bey - San Diego North Park Lions Club 160409
Arnold Lazaga - San Diego Premier Lions Club
Brian Lazaga - San Diego Premier Lions Club
Laurence Lazaga (Progressive 1) - San Diego Premier Lions Club
Laurence Lazaga (Progressive 1) - San Diego Premier Lions Club 160409p
Myrna E. Lazaga, D.M.D. (Progressive 1) - San Diego Premier Lions Club
Sven Lindquist - San Diego Pathfinders lions Club
Sue Llorente - San Diego Forever Lions Club 190916
Felix Mallorca, Jr. - San Diego Forever Lions Club 190318
Flor Managuit - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Francisco Managuit - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Marlan Manguba - DG-E, Lions District 301-A2 h170519
Auring Medina - San Diego Executive Lions Club 160109
Jennifer Mendoza - District Governor - District 4-L6 220424
Carol S. Mengelberg - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 230322
Vangie Miranda - San Diego Forever Lions Club
Eleanor Navales - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 160421
Daughlet Ordinario - San Diego TFC Lions Club
Romeo Ordinario - San Diego TFC Lions Club
Alfredo H. Ornelas - Calexico Host Lions Club
Rey Paje - San Diego Premier Lions Club 160409
Ron Phife (Progressive 1) - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club
Ron Phife - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 160409
Zeny Ply - San Diego Executive Lions Club 160410
Zeny Ply - San Diego Executive Lions Club 160410
Alby Poblete - San Diego Cosmopolitan Lions Club
Cristopher F. Psillas - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 211013
Myrna N. Psillas - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 180429
Cristopher F. Psillas - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 211013
Myrna Psillas - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 180429
Clarita Puente - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 181020
Ceferina Pulgar-Ruiz, M.D. (Progressive 1) - San Diego Majestic Lions Club
Helen Quintanilla (Progressive 1) - San Diego Executive Lions Club
Helen Quintanilla - San Diego Executive Lions Club 60410
Alex Quinto - San Diego Executive Lions Club
Alex Quinto - San Diego Executive Lions Club 190916
Janet Quinto - San Diego Executive Lions Club
Rebecca Rayo - San Diego Majestic Lions Club
Rebecca Rayo - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 160409
Pel Reid - San Diego Forever Lions Club 190318
Myrna Reyes - NAFFAA Region 10 Chair 160409
Tess R. Reyes - San Diego Cosmopolitan Lions Club 190428
Edith Rillamas - San Diego Forever Lions Club
Rings, Alan - Escondido Champagne Village Lions Club 10-9-24
Rivera Family (Progressive 3) - San Diego Forever Lions Club
Joseph Rivera - San Diego, CA 160409
Ruby Rivera - San Diego, CA 160409
Mannie Rosales - 1stVDG-E, Lions District 301-A2 h170519
Jay Ruiz, Jr. - San Diego TFC Lions Club 160325
Jay Ruiz, Jr. (Progressive 1) - San Diego TFC Lions Club
Jay Ruiz, Sr. ( Progressive 1) - San Diego TFC Lions Club 160412
Jay Ruiz, Sr. (Progressive 1) - San Diego TFC Lions Club
Mary Rynearson - West Shores Lions Club 160409h
Mary Rynearson - West Shores Lions Club 160409
San Diego Classic Lions Club
San Diego County Metropolitan Lions Club
San Diego Delta Lions Club 60112
San Diego Executive Lions Club
San Diego Forever Lions Club
San Diego Forever Lions Club 190428
San Diego Majestic Lions Club
San Diego Miramar Lions Club 200229
San Diego Miramar Lions Club 200229
San Diego Mission Lions Club 160331
San Diego Premier Lions Club
San Diego Presidents Lions Club
San Diego TFC Lions Club
Rose San Pedro - San Diego Majestic Lions Club
Rose San Pedro - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 160409
Cesar Santiago - Olongapo City New Horizon Lions Club, MD-301 h170629
Susan Rosana Santillana - DG, Lions District 301-A2 h170519
Kevin Schultz - San Diego Premier Lions Club 160409
Leo Sicat, PhD (Progressive 1) - San Diego County Metropolitan Lions Club
Elsa Siverts - San Diego Elite Lions Club 190428
Jimmie Ray Sober (Progressive 1) - San Diego Executive Lions Club
Jimmie Ray Sober - San Diego Executive Lions Club 161001
Eden Soliman (Progressive 3) - San Diego Forever Lions Club p170610 p2 190415 p3 210410
Florante Soliman (Progressive 3) - San Diego Forever Lions Club p170610 p2 190415 p3 210410
Oscar Teel - San Diego Rancho Bernardo Lions Club 160121
Adelina Toledo - San Diego Forever Lions Club 190318
Nita N. Trammell - San Diego Forever Lions Club 90828
Arsenia Ubando - San Diego Classic Lions Club
Union Bank (National City Branch) - "Jojo" Bondoc - San Diego Elite Lions Club
CDR Benny Valerio - Filipino American Military Officers Association 161105
Felma Vargas - San Diego Stars Lions Club 211201
Felma Vargas - San Diego Stars Lions Club 211201
Emmy Vera Cruz - San Diego Agape Lions Club
Mercy Walters - El Cajon Valley Lions Club
Paul Walters - El Cajon Valley Lions Club
Paul Walters - El Cajon Valley Lions Club
PDG Napoleon White - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 190428
Leo Williams, Jr. - San Diego Forever Lions Club 220424
Virginia Williams - San Diego Forever Lions Club 220424
Elizabeth Yoe, PhD - San Diego Miramar Lions Club 211117
Elizabeth Yoe, PhD - San Diego Miramar Lions Club 220424
Melvin Zaragosa - San Diego Pathfinders Lions Club 181020
Robert P. Zulkoski - La Mesa Lions Club 230327
Robert P. Zulkoski - La Mesa Lions Club 230327
* Posthumously Awarded
** Progressive 1, 2, 3, etc - are those who donated their 2nd (or more) $100.00, hence Progressive 1 has donated a total of $200.00
Current Patrons
Melba Cunanan - San Diego Majestic Lions Club
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Delacruz - San Diego, CA
DR Marketing/We Print - National City, CA
David Hernandez - National City Host Lions Club
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Matriano ~ Calauag, Quezon, Philippines
Poway Lions Club
Helen Quintanilla - San Diego Executive Lions Club 90916
Alex Quinto - San Diego Executive Lions Club
Becky Rayo - San Diego Majestic Lions Club
Pel Reid - San Diego Forever Lions Club
San Diego Executive Lions club
Skyways Travel/Mario Herce - National City, CA
Bob Stevens - San Diego Mission Lions Club
Adele Toledo - San Diego Forever Lions Club
Lydia & Sim Villanueva - Samahan FilAm Heritage
PDG Napoleon White - Lions District 4-L6
Lions District 4-L2 1st VDG Jacky Lu / 1stVDG Jay Ruiz, Jr.
Lions Chris & Myrna Psillas - San Diego Majestic Lions Club 220424
DG Jay Ruiz, Jr. Lions District 4-L6 - San Diego & Imperial Counties 220723